Thursday, December 27, 2012


I have a newfound love for Instagram. It's like I realized that all those random and pointless but totally photogenic moments in my life finally have an outlet, and I can share my insanity with the world!

Also, that is what this blog is for.

I decided that since I have nothing about which to write, I will write about anything. Because as I said before, mind bending inward, blah blah blah... You get the point.

My children are sleeping, and the silence in the house at the moment is delicious. My mind is free to wander about (ADD-like) as freely as it freely desires.

On second thought, this mind should perhaps NOT have an online outlet for its insanity...

Instagram! My screenname is pickledbologna only because I haven't had any in years, and I couldn't think of anything original and Lexy-like at the moment. I don't know why pickledbologna is Lexy-like, but it seems to fit, and so far none of my friends have told me that I'm nipping fluts, though I suppose they have come to expect that from me, along with run-on sentences.

My eyeball itches.

I suppose I have nothing interesting about which to write because nothing interesting happened today. One of my doctors (boss) is out of the office on holiday vaykay (lucky duck) which means I generally sit around giving myself kissy faces in the mirror and eating penguins. (Did you fall for that? No? Good. Just seeing if you're paying attention. In all reality, I'm taking ridiculous Instagram pictures and Words-with-Friendsing. And a little bit of Hanging-with-Friendsing. Oh! And a lot of Bakery and Nightclub and Restaurant Story... I just realized I have no life.)

But! Tomorrow is Friday, and thaaaat means weekend! (Which means no work, cuz doctor's offices close on weekends, or at least ours does cuz we're lazy.)

Time for this mama to get some sleep, or at least pretend to get some sleep. Never know when a tiny person might have a midnight meltdown...


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