Saturday, April 13, 2013

Spring has sprung!

Can I just say that I absolutely love the changing of the seasons. I suppose that I wouldn't love it so much if I didn't have to suffer through the worst that winter and summer have to offer.

Fall is lovely because the leaves turn colors, and kids go back to school, and the mornings have this refreshing crisp cool to them. I remember fall as the beginning of a new school year, full of endless possibilities and adventure. I miss those days, if only for that.

Spring? It's as if the entire world begins to awaken from its chilly slumber. I have this vibrance, this undeniable energy. It's like feeling like you can fly, and it doesn't matter in the least that you couldn't even come close to flight.

Then there's the beach. I love the water, nasty as it is. The way the waves crash on the shore in their consistently soothing rhythm... it's not the same in the cold of winter. (Trust me, I tried putting my feet in. BAD idea.)

I feel like I'm awake too. I tend to drown in the cold darkness of winter. It's hard to be depressed in such lovely, shiny weather.

Well there's my bit of nostalgic, sappy, season loving blathering. Off to the park with the kiddos to enjoy the clear skies and chirping birdies.

Til next time,