Thursday, October 4, 2012

Who is Alex?

Alex? No. That's not my name. Though I get that frequently.

That, and Leslie. And Leky. And Lexus.

How hard is it to say Alexis?

At any rate. I'm too tired (read: lazy) to debate that point.

Hi, non-existent readers! This is my new blog where I get to endlessly spew my mindless babble. At the moment, I have nothing interesting to say, so I suppose I shall introduce myself.

Hi! (Again.) My name is Alexis. Not Alex, or Leslie, or Leky, or Lexus (see above). I will answer to Lexy, however.  I'm a mom and wifey and work a full time job. In other words, I'm half (or wholly) mental and exhausted. Also, I'm running a 5K in two and one half weeks - quite a feat considering I've never run anywhere in my entire life, not even to the fridge. (Didn't I tell you I was mental?) (I also love parentheses. In case you hadn't noticed.)

I'm 20-something, and I work in a doctor's office, which basically means interesting things are always happening. Sometimes it's great to be a casual observer. (I didn't put that in parentheses. Aren't you proud of me?)

I have a cat. Or, rather, a cat has me. His name is Stupid Cat. No, that's not really his name, either, but that's what he goes by. Mostly because he gets in my face at 5 am purring and meowing. (Do you think you can buy muzzles for cats online? Scratch that, I'm too cheap.)

Jess on New Girl and Mindy on The Mindy Project are my heroes. Also, I'm a terribly ironic-slash-sarcastic person.

Is that enough about me? I feel like it should be, because this is starting to feel like it involves too much effort, and I'm slipping back into boringness and terrible rambling.

Nuff said!


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