Tuesday, December 25, 2012

I'm a terrible blogger.

As bloggers go, I'm pretty bad, tis true. I stink at updating, and when I finally *do* update, it's usually pointless, uninteresting babble made difficult to read by big words and strange analogies.

I'd apologize, except I'm not really sorry for my laziness.

I am, however, sorry that I don't write. I like writing too much to go very long without writing. My brain starts to bend inwards, and I become a bit crazier with every passing moment. If I don't write, I talk too much. And we all know bad things happen when I talk to much. Well, no we all don't, necessarily, but I know very well.

I have a stinky 18 month old scrambling in my lap, touching my computer screen, and begging for attention. He's lucky he's so darn cute because hardly anybody in the world could get away with this nonsense. Also, he just said "Mama," and I'm a sucker for when my boy says "Mama."

I'm going to attempt to update more frequently, and I'm going to attempt to find more interesting things to say. I think I'm gonna go play on Twitter as well. This ought to be... interesting. (I hate saying the same word twice in the same paragraph, but it seems to be the only one that fits in both instances. Just fyi. Because yes, I noticed the repetition.)

Also, today's Christmas, and I haven't mentioned that yet. Probably because I don't celebrate and can't stand Christmas, but that's another post entirely. At best, I tolerate the hysterical holiday hoopla and do my best not to throttle the bazillions of people who say, "Merry Christmas!" and "Are you ready for Santa Claus?!" as if the possibility that I might not celebrate Christmas is so completely impossibly far-fetched that it is okay to assume that I celebrate this holiday along with the other 8 billion people in the world who obviously would not bother to not celebrate or *gasp* celebrate something else!

That was a run-on sentence. I should stop that. And no, for those that don't know, I'm not Jewish, and I don't celebrate Hanukkah either. Or Kwanzaa. Or anything else holiday-like.

Alex.is signing off!